Friday, January 25, 2013

The Waiting Game: Focus on Diet, Exercise, Elimination and Rest

While I'm in the 'wait' part of my diagnosis -- waiting for appointments, info, etc, my goal is to do what I can do for now: focus on diet, exercise, rest, elimination.

In terms of 'diet' and 'elimination' part I have been on a paleo diet which means no carbs, no sugar, nothing processed, no dairy, no legumes. This ironically started January 1 -- ten days prior to having found out I had an aggressive and invasive cancer. But starting this diet -- or really, 'way of life', has given me a head start in finding the right diet solution for me in terms of fighting cancer up front and in recovery. Two main diets I've blogged previously about (in post called Starving Cancer) are the Ketogenic/Metabolic diet and Gerson Therapy.  I'm combining both under a paleo umbrella.

Ketogenic/Metabolic is basically paleo minus most fruits plus a fat/protein ration to carb from vegetables ranges from 3:1 to 5:1 per meal for a period of 14 days, repeating every 6 months. Gerson is also paleo - but specifically it limits foods to vegetarian meals along with a schedule of 13 juices per day. Their protocol is 14 days. The way I'm combining Ketogenic/Metabolic diet and Gerson Therapy is by juicing in between the meals -- then waiting 15 minutes to eat solids in order to make sure all the juiced nutrients reach the cellular level. This makes sense to me. If both Ketogenic/Metabolic diet and Gerson Therapy supplement with what the other does not have (Ketogenic/Metabolic is 3 protein to 1 green carb which also recommends supplements that are green related; Gerson which is all veggies and juicing recommends supplements that are all protein related). So I'm mixing paleo + ketogenic + Gerson. It just makes the most sense to me. It is healthy, practical, easy -- and cancer hates these good foods so my good path has to be good.

One of the Ketonic/Metabolic plans I like is called the Cantin-Ketogenic plan. I bought the  Kindle version:

In terms of Ketogenic/Metabolic Therapy, the additional step recommended is to monitor ketones in the body. The way you do this is by peeing on a strip. One important aspect of this diet is keeping ketones above negative (negative is normal) but within a certain range. Cantin Ketogenic diet prefers range of moderate to max (40 to 160). When numbers drop, she would eat coconut oil to boost these. Here's an image to help me monitor ketones:

As I mentioned, one way Cantin monitors ketones is through urinalysis strips -- which I also got through amazon. I just got my box of 100 strips in the mail today. I'm learning how to use this and I'm currently studying the role of different elements of urinalysis to help me balance the items recommended (eg ketones, ph, etc). This is one great source for more details which I found online:

I'm also hunting down any chart or else I have to make one up so that I can keep track of daily (thinking of getting a morning, afternoon, evening reading) and place in a log book.

Apparently, per the author, she saw results after day 14 of this diet. In her case as well as in others the tumors shrunk  -- or at the least after surgery, recovery was faster and prevented further cancers from developing. So she does this strict version called Cantin Ketogenic diet for 14 days every 6 months. Looks easy. It includes the monitoring of ketones (keeping in moderate to max range), l lemon per 1 cup water three times daily, hormones (eg progesteril cream) and supplements. A quote from her book "Cancer cells have trouble processing fat for energy to multiply. Healthy cells thrive on fat." The fat she is talking about is healthy fat -- eg coconut and olive oils -- and not that from processed foods filled with preservatives that make us fat. There is a difference.

Currently sticking to paleo with a mix of what might be Paleo+Gerson+Ketogenic which means eliminating red meat from paleo, reducing fruits, and increasing greens. I'm also very fortunate in that a have several friends who are registered dieticians and majored in nutrition in college. I pick their brains all the time and run my ideas by them with wonderful dialogue exchanges.

Info on how to read urinalysis. I'm now doing this in an effort to raise ketones while also keeping all other things in check. I got this info from the Cantin Ketogenic book (the author used this diet and monitored her ketones in order to make sure she was within range. These strips also include ph which also is good to keep in check. This protocol is often used for those with other conditions.

Urinalysis for dummies (Cantin Ketogenic Diet = moderate to max (40 to 160) ketones goal via diet of 3:1 to 5:1 range of fats/proteins to low index carb like kale, broccoli, etc). If ketones low, eating coconut oil boosts numbers. Plus 1 lemon per cup three times daily for acid/alkaline balance. Hormones balanced. Supplements including B12 and those recommended by Burzinyski. Two weeks strict adherence to this diet. Stay on less version thereafter (eg paleo), repeat every 6 months.

 My goal even through this stage is to exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

My goal is to try to get 8 hours sleep and or lie down in the middle of the day even if for ten minutes.

My goal is to poop and peep everyday to  get rid of toxins my cancer is causing.

I think through diet, exercise, rest, elimination -- these are some things I have control over which helps me think of fighting the beast the best way possible until doctors actually have my 'treatment' options ready (eg mastectomy date, etc).

This is my day 14 of knowing I have cancer. It's still early so I'm sure things will tweak along the way.

The statements expressed on this blog, expressed by the author who is on a cancer trail, are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers of this blog should seek their own professional counsel for any medical condition or before starting or altering any dietary or exercise routine. 

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