Friday, February 22, 2013

Breast Cancer Documents

Keeping track of cancer-related appointments and documents help keep sanity. The following spiral organizer with pockets is an example of just one months worth of information regarding tests, imaging, and cancer team of cancer surgeon, cancer reconstruction surgeon, radiologist, pathologist, oncologist.

The tabs I created for my binder include:
1. reports and labs -- for labs, there will be many of these. Mine are looking good with the exception of slightly low WBC. For reports, this is where I store my results from MRI, PETSCAN, Mammograms, biopsy, ultrasounds, x-rays, lymphatic mapping, genetic testing, mammaprint, etc etc etc

2. appointments -- aside from knowing when to go for what, it's nice to keep a long list to compare for insurance purpose.

3. support groups -- a much needed person, place, thing. These survivors ahead of me have paved the path and I plan to learn as much as I can so that I can then be on that survivor side and help others.

4. doctors -- these are for the doctors for recommended by friends and family (FB is amazing! I was lost until I posted my cries for help...forever grateful). And, eventually it becomes my core team of doctors that will cure me and guide me on this path.

5. vitamins -- I'm learning so much in this area. This will be a place to store order forms and info.

6. medical bills (our insurance covers 80%; one MRI, for instance out of pocket amount of 20% we paid is $900 whereas insurance covered the other 80%. The PETSCAN out of pocket portion was $1,100....I can see it's going to get ugly....)

7. signed consent forms ... many of these

8. resources -- anything else I get and don't know quite what to do with yet...