Sunday, February 24, 2013

Post-puke: What to eat or drink after vomiting

I woke up this morning puking after forgetting to have something to eat with the antibiotic of the previous hour.

My mom kept wanting to shove toast and butter down my throat but I told her I can't eat those things. I'm both dairy and grain free. So I asked my husband to google what to eat after you puke -- and whatever the answer was then look for a paleo alternative (no grains, sugar, no dairy, no legumes).

This is what he found:

Bone broth
Chamomile, ginger tea
Coconut water
Peppermint tea
Lemon ginger tea
Honey by itself or in tea
Vegetable soup

We have all the above; The tea worked well for me. And now I'm ready for soup.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I wish I had known about the dairy/grain limits!! I would have brought some foor more suitable han the cheese quiche and turkey pot pie. I also am unable to eat dairy and glutin. I sooooooooo understand! Wow, that toast & butter would have messed you up....
