Saturday, February 16, 2013

Women's Wellness Conference

Before learning about my cancer last month, I learned about the Women's Wellness Conference. My sister has talked about such conferences. The local one took place this weekend, Friday-Sunday (Feb 16-18, 2013). I also learned that the complimentary longevity conference is available for streaming at the longevity website (for $129 it allows you to access the entire conference over a six month period):

Since my friend was going to this conference and there was a two for one deal with a great emphasis on disease such as cancer, I decided to go. Plus it was local; I could go to a few select talks on Saturday and skip Friday night. It would be a chance to learn about cancer nutrition, new research, supplements and other information. Though I've always been pretty healthy, I'm trying my best to up the ante and prepare myself for this next chapter in my life which I think includes an upgrade on my pre-cancer nutrition.

Institute of Functional Medicine.
This is a link to that provides all classically trained medical practitioners who also received the supplement training in functional medicine. This means doctors, for instance, who went to medical school decided they wanted to add a holistic, integrative component to their treatment plans. The emphasis is also on preventative medicine. I'm using this link to find local functional medicine practitioners for me and my family:

Dr. Daniel Amen.
This man is amazing! He uses brain scans to guide his diagnosis and treatment plans. He's a several times New York Times top rated authors. He's studied something like over 50,000 brain scans, and he's treated patients with incredible results. Among his many studies includes the largest NFL football study of brain injuries -- and cures for these injuries. Everything from supplements to traditional medication to hormone therapy and vitamins are used in a catered, individualized approach. I was able to get his new book which will be out on the market next month: unleash the power of the female brain.  When I got his autograph I told him about my situation. He said what I'm doing is good -- use conventional medicine to stay alive, then use nutrition, supplements, vitamins, hormones to heal. I highly recommend his presentations and his clinics (he has one in LA and in SF). Here is a link of his clinic website and upcoming presentations:

Donna Gates.
She is the guru who brought Stevia to U.S. markets and keifer. She is huge on gutt health. Her principles include remove, repair, replace (remove toxins, repair it with goods foods and probiotics, replace your system with good foods). She is considered one of the pioneers of our wellness times (currently 66 years old and doesn't look it!). She does online and phone consults. Here is my friend talking with her about how much she loves her keifer starters (this friend got me hooked. Very tasty -- you'll never go back to regular keifer or yogurt after this. We put in blender with fruit and or honey and it's just amazing).

Dr. Sara Gotfried.
She is an amazing OBGYN who was very ill in her early 30s. She used her background knowledge to cure herself. She calls it bio-hacking. Hormone therapy by a functional medical practitioner was a big topic. I can totally identify with her trying to use science, medical knowledge and nutrition to heal the body.

David Wolfe.
Brilliant, comical, wonderful presenter. Can't say enough positive things about this guy. He is huge on the science eg genetics and nutrition side of wellness. Methyl groups were a big topic this weekend. Boosting White Blood Cells with medicinal mushrooms was practical info (eg shitake and reishi). He has authored several books on nutrition and has an amazing selection of foods he sells through his company, Longevity Warehouse. He also hosts world tours where you live in native areas untouched by modern toxins and learn the science and practice of nutritious foods.

Dr. Christy Gardner.
She is older than me and just looks amazing. Her talk focussed on three principles that aids genetics: detoxify, nourish and adapt. A few great links she provided include www.ewg/skindeep and

Sara Ross.
She is a chef and author of raw foods cookbooks. She has several restaurants and hot bars (eg inside Whole Foods). She catered at this event.

more notes tba

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