Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Official Halfway Point With Chemotherapy and Final Stage 2 Reconstruction

Women can multitask: it's what we know, how we are wired, how we function. Sometimes it's too much, and at other times it's what we can handle given other circumstances or variables. It just so happened that my window of opportunity coincided with simultaneous breast removal and breast reconstruction. So while one surgeon removed my breasts for stage 1 of cancer treatment on February 20, 2013, in that same surgery another surgeon started the phase 1 or treatment of reconstructing my new breasts. Multitasking.

This past week, on Friday, we completed stage 2 of reconstruction. I'm happy with the amount of saline solution that has been pumped into the balloon -- a.k.a. Spacer -- that was surgically attached behind my pectoralis muscle. This was done over five sessions of saline solution injected into the balloon through my pectoralis. Sounds more scary than it really is. All my nerve endings were removed with the mastectomy so I didn't really feel the injections. The pressure afterwards I feel but that gets better after a few days. I always think braces. Instead if teeth its breasts. In any case, I'm done and I'm happy I went through this process. Stage 3 reconstruction now happens 6 weeks after my last chemo session finishes - so I'm right on target for an early August surgery with recovery through Labor Day as I told my son. It's a season. Valentines to Labor Day -- then life normalizes to my new normal which has pretty much been happening all along the way.

As for chemotherapy, tomorrow I am almost there. I should be done by end of June which is right around the corner. I'm currently done with my session 2 and tomorrow is session 3. So far all hair officially off on head and lower extremities. The arms, brows, lashes still holding on but signs of falling out are here. Same with toe nails. Currently I have a black ring on each toe nail and as for my fingers, my left thumb nail has a black ring. Fatigue Upped its ante this time around but extra sleep and naps helped. Chemo brain has also shown up but it comes in waves so I now write memos to myself on my iPhone notepad. Neuropathy is showing up but when my hands and feet start to tingle i take Lysine, B6, B12 and extra calcium which seems to do the trick for me. All these things are temporary for many women. Again, it's just a season with my eyes on the prize at the end of this season: cancer-free-survivor status. Worth it in every possible way.

My session tomorrow, May 8, 2013, starts at 930am and Ill be there all day. Thank you for keeping me in thoughts and prayers during this season. Big hugs to you all!

PS. Normally I go into chemo on Tuesdays during my cycles but we had to change for my husband's work schedule. Doctor said a day delay is fine. So will either keep old or new schedule for final session. Depends in what doctor says tomorrow.

Pss. Though impromptu, low-key and last minute plans, we savored our little boy turning 8 and our 13th wedding anniversary.

More photos tba....

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