Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chemotherapy Completed: Modified Gerson Juicing Therapy

Today would have been the next round of chemotherapy -- but I'm officially done getting these cocktail infusions. Officially, I'm now done with two phases of my cancer treatment: the double mastectomy was phase 1; chemotherapy was phase 2. Next will be lab work to see how my body reacted to this process ... and then off to hormone therapy.  In the meantime, today is day 1 of my next phase: recovery.

During this recovery phase I am starting with a cleanse to rid myself toxins that aren't needed in my body. In particular, I'll be following a Gerson Therapy Cleanse. It will last 2 weeks. This is what is looks like:


  • 13 glasses of juice
  • regular organic vegetarian meals (To this I'm adding that these vegetarian meals are Paleo meaning no grains, no dairy, no legumes. If you google "Paleo bread" for instance, you'll see most recipes look just like bread but instead of using white or wheat flour you use almond flour or coconut flour or some other non-grain flour)
  • poop elimination (Gerson calls for enema's; but when he was alive he didn't know about chia seeds! Chia is my choice)
  • supplements
  • positive thinking

In practice, this is what is looks like:
I wake up and have a juice. Then, every hour I drink 8 ounces of some juice (alternating hours with a mixed green juice or a carrot juice) for a total of 13 juices in the day. In addition, I'll eat regular meals but the food will only be organic (which means no pesticides or genetically modified in any way) vegetarian. This means I'll have an organic Paleo vegetarian breakfast, lunch, dinner, with snacks in between. I'll also drink 64 ounces of water throughout the day (I have a 16 ounce container which I marked "drink 4-5 of these daily").

A typical day will look like this:

  • 5am juice 1
  • 6am-7am exercise
  • 7am juice 2
  • 8am juice 3 plus breakfast (example: chia porridge, chia cereal of chia seeds with hemp seeds, almond or coconut milk)
  • 9am juice 4
  • 10am juice 5 snack (eg nuts or paleo -- non grain -- muffin)
  • 11am juice 6
  • 12 noon juice 7 plus lunch (example: avocado and veganaise on paleo-- non grain-- bread with salad)
  • 1pm juice 8
  • 2pm juice 9 plus snack
  • 2pm-3pm or 4pm nap
  • 4pm juice 10
  • 5pm juice 11 plus dinner plus supplements
  • 6pm juice 12
  • 7pm juice 13
  • 8pm get ready for bed

Supplements include:
vitamin c buffered
vitamin d
Phosphatidyl Serene

After this cleanse, I'll need to figure out if I am going to go vegetarian -- or go mostly vegetarian with some meat here and there....I'll cross that barrier soon enough.

So that's what's happening with me in terms of this year's cancer treatment: waiting for lab work and oncology appointment of June 28th 9am, doing a 14 day cleanse starting today, and waiting for a double surgery of reconstruction plus hernia repair first week of August. And of course in terms of just life in general we are currently waiting for son's appointments regarding his second seizure with Todd's Paresis, doing homeschool and planning summer school program which includes some fun camps for him.

Thank you for keeping me and my family in thoughts, positive vibes, prayers.

Note regarding photo: at the beach with almost an inch of hair coming back;)


  1. Wooooo Whoooo........ Look at that hair coming back, yahoo...... You look SOOOOOO great. Wow, Jesus has really been taking care of you through this <3

  2. 5 am... always the morning person, this one! Looking good, you.
