Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last Week of Chemo

I have now reached the final week of my chemo infusions of taxotere and cytoxan. My reading and research have now shifted in focus: how will I plan my recovery from chemotherapy, how will I address menopause which is a side effect of chemotherapy, and what traditional, complimentary and alternative approaches will I use for hormone replacement, bone loss prevention and cancer reoccurrence prevention. If I knew the answers to all of these things I would be one darn lucky woman; the science field is trying to figure this one out, too. So, since I'm in the thick of it all plus my number one goal is long-term survival, then I have nothing to lose but to be informed and go the healthiest route possible.

This past week when my mommy-hat came off each night, I dove into some of the cancer books I bought in the beginning of this process. Three of the books in particular that I dove into are:

1. Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book
2. Breast Cancer for Dummies
3. Gershom Therapy for Cancer
4. Premenopause and What Doctors Won't Tell You
5. Menopause and What Doctors Won't Tell You

Each of these books offer a perspective that I think is worth the read. In particular, the idea of healthy eating, supplementing, exercise, and some form of positive thinking (whether it's from prayer, yoga, or other activities which includes laughter) contributes to healing. So far I've seen that all of these things have been super helpful in getting through the mastectomy healing process and getting through chemotherapy. I'll have to talk more about these in future posts as individual topics. In fact, I'll have to post my ABC's of what I've learned throughout this experience and what I'm continuously learning in this next stage -- all in the spirit of sharing information. I think that's what I'll do....

Thank you again for thoughts and prayers my way and my family's way!

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