Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Next Stage of Cancer Battle: Hormone Treatment

Date of entry 8/8/13

I'm currently 6-7 weeks post chemotherapy which was the second stage of the battle against breast cancer; the first stage was a double mastectomy.

I'm now approaching the third stage of cancer battle which is tamoxifen --an estrogen blocker since my cancer tumors were estrogen hungry; it's a hormone treatment that suppresses estrogen production in breasts. 

I have to admit, I'm the least excited about this stage initially. First, I don't have breasts.  The drug is supposed to help women not develop breast cancer. Hmm. My layperson thinking is that I would need breasts -- and I don't know if the women in the studies had at least one breast or partial breast. This I'll be researching....

Also, in terms of treatment, I think it was easier to swallow both mastectomy and chemo because there was an active, known, ugly 9/9 grade cancer in my system -- so all I could focus on was 'get it out!' It was, in the thought process of it, easier to do from this standpoint because it was tangible. The mastectomy gets out was is visible; the chemotherapy gets out what might still be deemed dangerously fast growing and invasive (like mine -- mine got the worst possible score of both fast growing and invasive; chemo works only on fast growing and fast invading cells. It doesn't work on what is slowly growing or dividing). I just wanted my two tumors (one 2.5 cm the other 5 cm, Invasive ductal carcinoma with lymph node involvement) out as soon as possible. And, I had a game plan to also fight the side effects of these decisions. Psychologically this helped a great deal.  This third stage of treatment, the Tamoxifen, in order to fight off cancer is tricky in the brain department, at least for me, because I'm fighting off an invisible invader or an invader that is potentially there in the future. It's harder to fight something that is not quite there, yet.

I've researched journal articles, asked researcher and medical friends for advice, read breast cancer survivor chat rooms/message sites. I needed to do this, talk to other survivors, and talk to two of my doctors, about this next decision since I was still on the fence. Honestly, the side effects do scare me (uterine cancer, liver damage, eye damage) but doctors say these are rare. Depression, weight gain, hot flashes are more common side effects... but there are natural solutions that I'm looking at through foods, exercise, supplements.

I guess I can think of this stage of cancer treatment like I'm still at war but my enemies are both lingering and hiding? Well, this would do nothing for the sleep department. Not an option in my head -- and if it does sneak in there, then I'm choosing to focus on that I won this war; I want to enjoy it and not waste time worrying. But, I am keeping it real in that at least at this particular point in time of my treatment, on this particular day, I am fighting the worries and bombarding these thoughts with positive experiences and thoughts. I try to replace with things I enjoy to do --- like play with my son, hang out with my husband, run, read, swim, nap.

Deciding to take Tamoxifen has now become the next stage -- third stage -- which I'll be on for the next 5 years minimum. The newest research recommends 10 years; my doctor said take 2 years at a time.

Aside from weighing risks and benefits, the following breast cancer survivor post helped -- in it you can get a picture of some of the worries we face -- and thought processes to help not hyper focus on it as well:

 Re: Re: More confused after second opinion - Saturday, October 02, 2004 12:14 PM

I'm with Barb.

I had 4 tumors with largest 1.7 CM on left - 2 on 1-3 scale of aggressiveness, DCIS on right, no node involvement. I did bilaterals with implants and did 4 rounds of a/c chemo and do plan to go on tamox.

The reason being life. I'm 40 and have two kids, 13 and 4, and I wanted to do everything possible to prevent recurrence. I met with 3 different oncologists who all said the same thing. In fact, one younger mail doctor, whose wife was my age, said that he wouldn't be able to sleep nights unless he knew I was taking the most aggressive route possible.

I did research and after so many opinions, my recurrence rate drops from something like 20% with just the surgery, 7% with the chemo and 2% with tamox...not sure of exact numbers, but it was that dramatic.

When I was up in the air about chemo, I read an article in the Boston Globe about a 42 year old mom preparing to die. She had cancer at 36 and thought she was being so aggressive with bilaterals instead of just a lumpectomy and opted for no chemo. She now had it everywhere and was making videotapes for future reference for her children to help them cope with issues when growing up without her. I read that article and saw her and her two children's photos and said "bring on the chemo."

Re tamox...not totally thrilled with what it may cause. I'm starting it in another few weeks after my body has settled a bit from chemo and hopefully I won't be an emotional mess on it. My onco said mostly I'll have to worry about hot flashes, and possible menopause, but whatever. I'll have to go thru that at some point. If that's the worst of it, I'll take it for the added life insurance.

Good luck...that's just my two cents.


  1. Hey Cancer is a big issue.Today 1 in 3 people are affected by cancer in their lifetime. And many people don't know is that successful cancer cures based on natural. You share really good news on cancer.

  2. Hello my good friends please do not see this strange cause it my life story about my healing, i was having HIV for good 6yrs. Things were not working fine for me due to my health status i know longer have friends know lover it even takes time before my family co-operate with me due to this i tried all possible means i can to get this devilish sickness out of my body i went to hospitals hierarchies and other heath organization but all remains the same still yet i never gave up cos i was not born with this illness so i decided to take it over to the internet to see if i could get remedy, on my search i saw a testimony of a woman, she said she was also having a terrible sickness for over 3yrs but now she is healed i was surprise at first when i saw her test so she wrote a name dr EHIAGHE and also gave his email id so i mailed them which is (ehiaghespellhome@gmail.com) i told them about my problem and after the processes he told me that am healed but i never believed he told me to go and confirm it from the hospital were i have been taking treatment still i never believed also although he gave me evidence that the sickness was gone.
    Finally i decided to go for check up and to my surprise my doctor said the sickness was know longer there with thought of joy i started shearing tears.
    My friends today am now married bless with 2kids, so if you have any sickness such as cancer, hiv,bring your ex back, kindly email (ehiaghespellhome@gmail.com) sir i will forever remain in you debt.
    Thank you sir am grateful.
