
I had started a paleo diet 10 days before learning I had cancer; two weeks before knowing my cancer type. Basically, paleo simply means removing all processed or refined items from the diet. This translates to removing dairy, grains, legumes, sugar (this is due to 'the ways' in which these items are processed and how these cause inflammation). This diet was in part motivated by friends, in part by films.

Some of these films are directly related to cancer; others are inspiring in terms of looking for complimentary alternative approaches to medical approaches (eg combining surgery plus diet to help recovery or minimize chemo, etc). Note: I linked the films below to Netflix (they are free for first two weeks; monthly Netflix is roughly $10 for unlimited movies you can see instantly on computer or tv; they also have discs with this subscription).

Food Inc
Take Home Message: This is what our food looks like today.

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Take Home Message: If doing this for 2 months yields these results, imagine if we just did this gradually over time. Would we have today's modern ailments?

Forks Over Knives
Take Home Message: Similar to Food, Inc

Take Home Message: Similar to Food, Inc but with the water bottle industry

Hungry For Change
Take Home Message: Similar to Food, Inc with solutions

Food Matters
Take Home Message: Similar to Food, Inc with solutions

Take Home Message: Similar to Food, Inc with solutions

Supersize Me
This is the documentary that woke us all up. An extreme example just like the film -- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead -- but in the opposite direction using McDonalds instead of juicing.

Do No Harm
Take Home Message: Food as medicine and genetic redirection 

Take Home Message: Is Chemo the only option after surgery? For some yes, for others no. The cost is expensive with this approach but this is a good peak into the future once cost comes down.

Gerson Miracle
Take Home Message: Juicing and food as part of the cure

This one just reminded me of how I love community. The breast cancer community is my newest and should be included in this documentary. Uplifting.

Wall E
Imagine a world where we just recreated?

Imagine a world without trees?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with a lot of the points you made in this article. If you are looking for the 10 similar movies to The King's Speech, then visit Australia Unwrapped. I appreciate the work you have put into this and hope you continue writing on this subject.
