Recipe Links

I'm finding that medical researchers look at causes of cancer -- as well as what 'feeds' cancer. Both could be the same, or different. Regardless, cancer-fighting foods can help the battle. Some great recipes to fight cancer, or help with cancer recovery. For instance, juicing equal amounts of carrots and celery with a lemon keeps popping up. Whatever links I find I'll post in this section.


Wherever I'm seeing grains in a recipe (as in grains flours such as wheat, white, corn, etc) I substitute in almond meal or coconut flour in order to make it paleo or metabolic/ketogenic.

  • For sugar, I'm substituting raw honey.
  • For oils or butters I'm substituting coconut oil.
  • For dairy I'm substituting coconut or almond milk.
  • For tofu or red meat or tempeh I'm substituting similar consistency (shitake mushroom).

Here's an example. The following link, Mother's Market, has great recipes. Wherever the above is listed, I substitute in order to make it less inflammatory which is better for not feeding cancer. My new rule of thumb: If cancer likes it (eg grains and sugars and dairies), then I substitute it.

Paleo pancakes. For these, I top with a spoon of coconut oil:

Stanford's Site on Juicing

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